Monday 6 June 2011

Shooting - Technique and Safety Considerations

Shooting is the act or process of firing rifles, shotguns or other projectile weapons such as bows or crossbows. Even the firing of artillery, rockets and missiles can be called shooting. A person who specializes in shooting is a marksman. Shooting can take place in a shooting range or in the field in hunting, in shooting sports or in combat. Shooting is carried out using various types of guns such as firearms and airguns. Archery is closely related to shooting, but it makes use of bows and arrows. Hunting also comes under the umbrella of shooting. Shooting practices are categorized by the type of firearm or target used.

Shooting technique differs depending on factors like the type of firearm used (from a handgun to a sniper rifle), the distance to and nature of the target, the required precision and the available time. Breathing and position play an important role when handling a handgun or a rifle.

Some shooting sports, such as IPSC shooting, make a sport of combat style shooting. The prone position, the kneeling position and the standing position offer different amounts of support for the shooter. Holding the gun sideways, as is sometimes seen in movies and on television, is poor gun handling; it makes the weapon likely to jam as any ejected case may fail to leave the weapon completely.

Prone Position Shooting
The utmost consideration for many shooters is gun safety. Like many activities such as mountain climbing, skiing, or sky-diving, there is an element of danger involved. And especially here, this danger demands a sober understanding and respect for firearms and the specific rules for the safe handling of them.
This is compounded by the fact that the danger can easily extend beyond the participants. A stray bullet can injure or kill people other than those actually firing or handling the arms involved. At public ranges, the safety of all participants depends on the knowledge of everyone at the range.

Stray Bullets
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Olympic Shooting Tickets
Sport Ticket Exchange

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